Title: Making Life Easier
I. Attention Catcher:
You are missing out on life if you don't have a laptop.
II. Speaker Credibility:
I got my laptop on my 17th birthday and I have been attatched to it since then.
Everyone should have a laptop because it is very useful and makes things a lot easier.
IV. Thesis: I can't imagine my life without my laptop.
Why is the laptop so great?
I. Internet
a. I can check my bank account online. Instead of going out to the bank all the time, it is very convient to just log into my account on my laptop.
B. I can access my email. I don't have to go out to a library because I can easily pull it up on my laptop
C. I can find out where a place is if I am not familar or in a new area. I can look on mapquest and google to figure out how to get to a certain location.
My laptop is very helpful with school.
II. School
a. My laptop makes research a lot easier than having to search through books. I can go on search engines like google to get the information I am looking for.
B. Laptop makes writing papers a lot easier. If i make a mistake I can easily correct it without having to start over, earse, or scratch anything out. I can save my work.
C. I can look online for upcoming assignments, check my grades, and email my professors if I question about anything and won't be able to ask them in person.
I love music and I can do things with that on this as well
III. Music
A. I can download music onto my ipod from itunes. Fast and Easy.
B. I can go on youtube and watch music videos that I didn't get a chance to see on TV. Youtube will have the full version of every video.
C. I can listen to my music without having to attach speakers to my ipod. I can play it directly from itunes or youtube.
Keeps me entertained
IV. Entertainment
A. My laptop keeps me entertained on social media sites like Facebook.
B. I can watch movies that I don't have on my laptop and any TV show. Especially if its a new epoisde.
C. I can video chat with friends and family with ovoo and skype on my laptop. Video chatting with these are free.
I. Restatement: If I didn't have a laptop, my life would be so different
II. Summary: With the laptop you can easily access the internet, it's helpful with anything school related, you can look up your favorite music, and keeps you entertatained.
III. Clincher: Once you have expericened the laptop, you'll realize how much it makes your life easier.
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