Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Speech Analysis

I never had to watch myself give a speech before and it was very weird. I had a hard time coming up with a common thread that links my personality but once I had help finding one, it was pretty easy coming up with the stories. I only had trouble trying to come up with a story for the career section. I felt pretty good with the content of my speech and what I was talking about. I was just nervous to give the speech in front of the class. I tried not to show how nervous I was but you can kind of tell that I was. I rehearsed my speech in front of people multiple times and tried not to look down at my notecards. I also tried to make my speech longer than 3 minutes. When I actually got up and gave my speech I had seen that I could have done a lot better. I noticed that I kept looking down at my notecards which is what I was trying to avoid. My plan was to walk back and forth which is what I had rehearsed. When I watched the video of myself I noticed that I basically stayed in the same place and relied too much on my notecards. If I had more time to prepare for my speech I probably would try to do it without notecards and practice on not just staying in the same spot and moving around more. I would also try to not seem so nervous if I can.

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