Wednesday, December 12, 2012

WRD Documentary

Short Essay:

For my documentary, my topic was on Twitter and my argument was about the people who you decide to follow and if it is a reflection on you.  I interviewed a few people and had them talk about the reasons why they follow certain people and if the people who they chose to follow have a reflection upon them. This was my argument in this project. I got pretty good shots and film for this but if I had more time I think I could have interviewed more people and got more shots. I interviewed these girls who became best friends from meeting on Twitter. I was glad that worked out and that I have found people who actually follow each other who didn’t know each other but ended up being friends. I wanted to interview more people but that didn’t work because a lot of people that I had asked didn’t want to speak in front of a camera. If I had more time I probably would have liked to get shots of people around campus interacting with each other and have them talking about my topic. I would have liked to film them having a conversation with each other about my topic so it looks very natural and maybe easier for people to talk with the camera in their face. I achieved in having a good amount of people talk about the topic and who they follow and why it is a reflection upon them and who they like to surround themselves with. I came up short with shots so it is mostly just people talking. I wanted to have their voices over the pictures I added but that didn’t work for me to well. All my questions in this was answered and I believe that my argument in my documentary is clear and understanding and something that will catch other’s attention.

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