Saturday, January 19, 2013

Speech/Monologue by Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks is a successful woman who gives good speeches about empowering young women. She doesn't have a show anymore but when she did she always talked about self-esteem and how to love yourself and accepet the way you are and be strong.
In these videos she is talking about the rumors of the media and the pictures they take that make celebrities look like that gained a lot of weight. She can relate to this because this is something that happened to her. This topic is relatable because we all have seen these kinds of pictures before. She is saying that nothing is wrong with being big or small and that all sizes are beautiful but the media tries to get nasty pictures.

Ethos: She has great eye contact with the audience and her posture and body language keeps them interested. The topic that she is talking about is relatable because everyone has seen pictures of celebrities in the paper and the internet that make them look like they gained about 40 pounds.

Pathos: She has an emotional connection with this topic because it has happened to her and she tells the story of this picture of her that has spread around the world. Because of this she stands on stage next to the picture with the same bathing suit on. She is saying that people are use to her looking small and slim, but have a problem with her look thick and a little big. She says that there is not a problem with being big or thick or skinny and if she didn't have confidents in herself she would have been starving herself. She wants all women to be confident in their body and be strong to take negative comments. She feels like that there is a problem with the world that have young girls upset over their body because they may feel it is not accpetable to society. Her purpose in the speech was to let everyone know that you cant always believe what you see on tv or the paper or the interent and that nothing is wrong with how you are built and dont stress over the negative comments people make.

Logos: She starts out with talking about the picture and how it made her feel. This grabbed the audience attention. She stated her purpose for telling this story and how she feels about it. She ends this speech saying that anyone who has something nasty to say about her or other women that has been put down or judged based on their body to kiss her fat ass.

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