Sunday, September 9, 2012

Is Google Making Us stupid?

Is Google really making us stupid?  I wouldn’t say it’s making us stupid just kind of lazy. As I was reading the article I was surprised by how true it was. If an article is really long we tend to skim over instead of actually reading the entire thing. That is funny because when I realized how long this article was I started to skim. I read a few paragraphs then stopped to check how long it actually was. I started to skim and then started looking at something else and became distracted. There is a lot of truth in this article. It was said in the article when you have to do research we just do a few clicks and click on a couple of links and get the information that we need rather than sit in a library searching through books for the information that we need. This is what I mean by Google is making us lazy and not stupid. We rather research information on the internet rather than open up a book. I know I rather search on Google than open a book. I don’t think it is making us stupid because we can use the internet to learn anything that we want. It is right there and we have the ability to access a large amount of knowledge at any time. Just about anything you want to know you will find on Google. It is easier and faster than looking through books to find what you are searching for. We are not stupid. Just lazy.

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