Sunday, September 16, 2012

Speech overview

I can't imagine my life without my laptop.

I. Internet
a. I can check my banking account.
b. I can access my email.
c. I can find where a place is located.

II. Schoool
a. I can reasearch on search engines like google.
b. I can type all my papers instead of writing them and save my work.
c. I can check my grades or upcoming assignments and email my professors if I have a question.

III. Music
a. I can download music from iTunes onto my ipod.
b. I can look up music videos.
c. I can play music on iTunes without speakers.

IV. Entertainment
a. Social Media like Twitter and Facebook
b. Movies and TV shows especially if you missed a new episode you can look it up and watch it.
c. Games.

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