Thursday, November 1, 2012

Documentary Proposal

For my documentary, I want to find out if people act a certain way on Twitter than they do in person and why. What makes them want to appear on Twitter a different person than who they really are? Are they trying to be someone who they can’t be in person? I want to know why some people decide to make their pages private and why some decide to keep theirs public. When you set your Twitter to private you decide who can follow you. I want to know do they not feel comfortable letting a stranger view their tweets and they ones that keep theirs public they must not care.   Along with this I want to know why people choose to follow certain people and why they do not follow other people back. I am going to find out why people follow others who they do not know or never met. What makes you want to follow people who you do not know or don’t follow people back who you do know? What makes people want to unfollow others? Why do you continue to follow someone who doesn't follow you back? I want to find out if Twitter is only used among college and high school students. Why is it popular among younger generations. I plan on interviewing people on campus to get the information that I need. If I can, I would like to interview people back home. I want to ask people if they follow back everybody that follows them and if not, why. I will be asking why they follow people they do not know and if so have they ever met them in person. If I can I would like to find people who actually became friends on Twitter. I want to ask them what made them follow each other since they didn't know each other at all. I want them to let us know how did they start talking to each other and did they feel like friends before actually meeting. Another thing I would like to know is if they appeared the same in person from what you thought of them on Twitter. What made them want to meet in person? I will be shooting the documentary around the campus and take some shots outdoors as well as indoors. I plan on talking to the people that I became friends with on Twitter and ask them these questions. I would like to talk to my followers and the people that I follow and film them being interviewed. 

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