Sunday, October 7, 2012

This I Believe draft

Twitter is a life’s daily timeline. Twitter is a diary. Twitter is a combination of both of these. Twitter shows news and events.  I didn’t think about it like that before. But I record my daily life on this media. I record my journey in everyday’s activities. I record my personal feelings that I do not mind sharing to the public or my followers. I am informed with events going on around me. I believe in Twitter and how I can easily express myself.  Tweets are an addiction.
 A few years ago I had a completely different opinion. I created a Twitter account when I was in the 9th grade which was in 2009. I thought it was pointless so I never got on it. I didn’t get it so I didn’t put it to use.  My opinion completely changed years later when I began to use Twitter on the regular basis at the beginning of my senior year last year in 2011. I saw it as enjoyment and entertainment.  
I believe Twitter makes is easy to talk to people. I am a quiet person so talking to new people can be difficult. Making friends can take a while.  Before I came to college, I met a lot of people on here that were in the same boat as me. I was going to be a freshman at the University of Kentucky and wasn’t going to know a lot of people. I had this is in common with plenty of the people that I met on Twitter this past summer. During the summer I talked to a lot of them and can relate to plenty of their tweets. I would start a conversation with them and they would start a conversation with me. We built a bond over this site so when I got to campus I met a lot of them in person so I already had friends when I arrived to college.
I believe Twitter is helpful. I am always informed about what is happening around me. I tweet daily and I read tweets daily. When I want to know something I tweet about it and I get answers. Events going on around campus I am informed. The first weeks arriving on campus it was helpful knowing people that I can hang out with and have things in common with. I posted tweets about when was the game or when is this party and was instantly informed. I can easily creep on people and contact anyone with no problem especially if I don’t have their phone number. I am usually nosey and enjoy creeping and reading about drama and gossip. Things like this flood my Timeline. I use this site as my public diary. I tweet my feelings that I am unable to say. I can be myself and say whatever I want because my parents or older family members don’t use Twitter. Well for now that is.
I believe that twitter is a life’s daily timeline and dairy. If anyone were to scroll through my tweets and my timeline they would see what I do in my everyday life. My feelings are recorded and how I spent my night. I believe Twitter makes it easy to talk to people because I probably wouldn’t have known the people I do now. Twitter hasn’t been just a social network to me, but my life.

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